Integra Capital as sponsor of the Annual Conference of Latin American Cities: Buenos Aires

On August 27, the seventeenth “Annual Latin American Cities Conference: Buenos Aires” will be held from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m., adapting its traditional event in Buenos Aires, to a virtual conference due to the current COVID-19 pandemic. Integra Capital participates as one of the main corporate sponsors of the American Society / Council of […]
Integra was one of the key players who helped close the deal with Wall Street bondholders

Source: Infobae The agreement with the private creditors hides a complex negotiation that took place over eight months. Behind the public stage that Alberto Fernandez and Martín Guzman occupied, a heterogeneous group of political personalities and financial experts acted, who contributed their knowledge and their time to achieve the restructuring of the private debt of […]
The Virtual Edition of “La Jolla Energy Conference”, and the topic, “Argentina energy policy update”, May 2020

Source: A24 Dr. José Luis Manzano, as president of Integra Capital, participated in the XXIX “La Jolla Energy” international video conference on energy, on May 19, 2020. The conference, organized by the Institute of The Americas, discussed the topic of “Updating Argentina’s energy policy.” José Luis Manzano defined that Argentina should aim to generate energy […]
Latin Resources Limited signs with Integra Capital for a lithium project in Catamarca

Source: Bank Magazine The joint venture agreement came after extensive negotiations on Latin’s concession, which covers more than 70,000 hectares in Catamarca. Integra is an investment company, with a diversified portfolio in more than 10 countries. The investment will be of up to US $ 1 million in a joint project that will support an […]
Integra Capital partners with an Australian mining company to extract lithium in Catamarca

Source: Cronista The australian mining company Latin Resources Limited, signed a joint venture agreement with Argentine group Integra Capital for a lithium project in Catamarca. The Latin Resources Limited concession covers more than 70,000 hectares in Catamarca, and according to the Australian company, it will be a strategic approach to Latin America and a project with […]