
Integra ha sido asesor y participó en reestructuraciones de deuda soberana con organismos multilaterales, incluidos el CIADI, la CNUDMI, el Club de París y de los bonos en virtud de las leyes de Nueva York.

Durante más de 20 años Integra ha ejecutado más de 130 transacciones de M&A.

Integra ha realizado proyectos de green-field y startups en Medios, Petróleo y Gas, Minería y Tecnología desde la conceptualización del proyecto hasta la operación comercial completa del mismo.  En algunos casos, el proyecto ha sido originario de Integra y en otros casos en apoyo de emprendedores.


Integra ha actuado como asesor del Banco Macro, uno de los principales bancos de Argentina, para la adquisición de un banco comercial en el país.

Fondos de Inversión

Integra ha actuado como coinversor, asesor o socio local de varios fondos de inversión, como Grammercy, Greylock, Pictet, D.E. Shaw, Carval, entre otros.

Agro y Negocios Inmobiliarios

Integra ha invertido y asesorado en numerosas transacciones inmobiliarias y de negocios agrícolas en Argentina. Entre ellos, la adquisición, reestructuración y posterior venta de la sede de Sociedad Rural Argentina una de las operaciones más relevantes.


Durante más de una década, Integra ha sido asesora y socia del Grupo De Narváez, uno de los minoristas más importantes de Sudamérica, cuya cartera incluye Casa Tía, Tata, Rapsodia, Baby Cottons, Caro Cuore.

Deuda Soberana

Integra ha sido asesor y participó en reestructuraciones de deuda soberana con organismos multilaterales, incluidos el CIADI, la CNUDMI, el Club de París y de los bonos en virtud de las leyes de Nueva York.

Situaciones Especiales

Integra tiene experiencia en la gestión de más de treinta transacciones de emergencia y reestructuraciones soberanas o corporativas.

Vino, Comida y Bebidas

Asesor en la consolidación y venta de activos de uno de los principales grupos de bebidas en Argentina, incluyendo participaciones en bodegas La Rural, Escorihuela, Orfila, Duc de Saint Remy, Sucesión Michelle Torino y Prodeo.

Sectors & Past Transactions

Integra has acted as an adviser to Banco Macro, one of the major banks
in Argentina, for the acquisition of a commercial bank in the country.

Integra has acted as a co-investor in, adviser to or local partner of several in-
vestment funds, such as Grammercy, Greylock, Pictet, D.E. Shaw, Carval, among

Integra has invested in and advised on numerous real estate and agro business
transactions in Argentina, being the acquisition, restructuring and subsequent
sale of Sociedad Rural Argentina´s venue one of the most relevant operations.

For more than a decade, Integra has been an adviser to and partner of Grupo
De Narvaez, one of the most relevant retailers of South America, whose portfolio
includes Casa Tia, Tata, Rapsodia, Baby Cottons, Caro Cuore.

Integra has been adviser on and participated in sovereign debt restructurings
with multilateral agencies, including ICSID, UNCITRAL, the Paris Club, and bonds
under New York laws.

Integra is experienced in dealing with more than thirty distress transactions and
sovereign or corporate restructurings.

Adviser on the consolidation and sale of assets of one of the major groups of
drinks in Argentina, including shareholdings in wineries La Rural, Escorihuela,
Orfila, Duc de Saint Remy, Sucesión Michelle Torino y Prodeo.

Sectors & Past Transactions


Integra has acted as an adviser to Banco Macro, one of the major banks
in Argentina, for the acquisition of a commercial bank in the country

Investment Funds

Integra has acted as a co-investor in, adviser to or local partner of several in-
vestment funds, such as Grammercy, Greylock, Pictet, D.E. Shaw, Carval, among

Real Estate y Agro Business

Integra has invested in and advised on numerous real estate and agro business
transactions in Argentina, being the acquisition, restructuring and subsequent
sale of Sociedad Rural Argentina´s venue one of the most relevant operations.


For more than a decade, Integra has been an adviser to and partner of Grupo
De Narvaez, one of the most relevant retailers of South America, whose portfolio
includes Casa Tia, Tata, Rapsodia, Baby Cottons, Caro Cuore.

Sovereign Debt

Integra has been adviser on and participated in sovereign debt restructurings
with multilateral agencies, including ICSID, UNCITRAL, the Paris Club, and bonds
under New York laws

Special Situations

Integra is experienced in dealing with more than thirty distress transactions and
sovereign or corporate restructurings.

Wine, Food and Drinks

Adviser on the consolidation and sale of assets of one of the major groups of
drinks in Argentina, including shareholdings in wineries La Rural, Escorihuela,
Orfila, Duc de Saint Remy, Sucesión Michelle Torino y Prodeo.

Debt Restructuring

The Integra team has executed debt restructuring for several billion dollars in
sovereign, multilateral and private debt. The team has the capabilities to
execute in complex situations and oversight all the legal, financial, political
and social aspects of the restructurings


Over more than 20 years, Integra has executed more than 130 M&A transactions

Green Field Project Start-Ups

Integra has executed green field projects and startups in Media, Oil and Gas,
Mining and Technology since the conceptualisation of the project to the full
commercial operation of it.
In some cases, the project has been indigenous from Integra and in other cases
in support of entrepreneurs
